Do you have your food ordered for Christmas Day? Christmas Menus are available! Let us cook your entire meal for you, start to finish! Orders are due by close of business, 7pm, Dec 22nd.  Book your Holiday party with us! 501-663-5951.

Holiday Hours:

Saturday-normal business hours

Sunday Brunch-8am-2pm. Market hours 8am-4pm

Monday-close at 5pm

Closed Christmas Day

UAMS location will be closed Dec 24th-Jan 2nd

SOUP: Heights, Baptist Main…Polentina with Sautéed Spinach, Herbs, Lemon and, Parmesan Cheese. UAMS…Chicken Tortilla with Cheese and Cilantro.

Dinner: Pasta Bolognese with Beef, Pork, Carrots, Penne, Caesar Salad, and Garlic Bread